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Best of Gibran Alcocer Piano | Relaxing Piano
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Дякую за підтримку;)
Знайти ноти до моїх оригінальних творів і каверів.

Ви продаєте ноти для кавер-версій?Так, на цьому веб-сайті ви можете знайти ноти для більшості моїх оригінальних творів і каверів. Ви можете скористатися «пошуком», щоб знайти потрібну пісню, або ви можете знайти посилання на ноти в моїх відео на YouTube.
Як я можу отримати свої ноти/MIDI-файли?Ваші ноти або MIDI-файли будуть надіслані на вашу електронну пошту (відразу після оформлення замовлення та оплати).
Is there unlimited prints/downloads for sheet music?Yes. You can download the file as many times as you want and therefore you can print it just as much as you want.
Is payment safe?Так. Цей веб-сайт використовує Portmone і Paypal як платіжні процесори, які забезпечують високий стандарт безпеки.
Do You make Music for Movies, TV and Ads?Yes. I can Make music for your project. You can buy my original music to use on your Movie, TV or Video or you can order a new music for your project. Also I can Make music in different genres (Orchestral, Beat, Lo-fi, Piano, Jazz). Please Contact Me and we will discuss our partnership.
What camera do I use?I currently use Iphone 15 pro for filming my videos.
Which software do you use to make music?I make my music on Cubase pro 13. Also I use a lot of plug ins to make my music sound as good as possible. I use fab filter plug-ins (EQ, Limiter, Reverb, Delay, Compressoe etc) and sometimes i use "Vanhalla" for reverberation.
How do you make your videos?I use "See Music" as a mid visualizer. Also I use Final Cut Pro to edit my videos, Combine my footage from Iphone and See Music Midi Video and make them look better.
What keyboard do I play?I currently play a Yamaha CP50 stage piano. Please be aware that I am using software instruments (VSTs) to generate the sound meaning that the sound you hear does not come from the keyboard. It is still an amazing keyboard with great and realistic keys.
What VSTs do I use?I use different VST instruments for my piano music. Sometimes I mix two or more VST pianos. For Felt (Soft) piano music I usually use "Noire Felt" or "Una Corda" instruments. For classical and hard piano pieces i usually use "Arturia V Piano" and "Noire Pure".
Can I use your music on myYouTube videos?Yes, you can use my music in your videos for free. The only think you need to know that you will not be able to monetise them because I have Content ID for my piano songs. You can download my music on pixbay:
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